Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mamata's carrots‏

Mamata's carrots
Of the four Trinamul Congress candidates filing their nominations for the Rajya Sabha - three are journalists (extension of Mamata's carrots to the media?) Kunal Ghosh (CEO, Channel 10), Vivek Gupta, Group Editor, Sanmarg and Md. Nadimul Haque , Head of 'Akhbar E Mashrique' Kolkata Edition. He is also the son of the owner of the Group. The fourth of course is Mukul Roy, the Railway Minister. Note that Mamata has given due representation to the Bengali, Hindi and Urdu Press. But sources say that if the party falls short of requisite votes to get all four candidates through (which seems likely now that the Congress has filed its own candidate), then it will be Vivek Gupta who will fall by the wayside as the Hindi-speaking votes are more expendable than the Bengali or Minority votes in the long run in West Bengal! 
Media friendly regime?

While concluding a press conference on Monday, Mulayamsingh Yadav, with his Chief Minister-son Akhilesh next to him, told the media to tell them if things went wrong in their rule. Then instead of walking out like Mayawati was prone to - regal, abrupt - he lingered and told them, "If you have any problems, form a committee, and tell us about them. We will solve them." A new era of back-scratching?
Costly photo

Congress MLA Founder Strong Cajee flew into a vengeful rage when he assaulted senior photojournalist Warton Lytan in the State Assembly corridor. The reason: Lytan had taken a picture of him sleeping inside the Assembly which was published in the vernacular dailies. The Shillong Press Club (SPC) has condemned the attack and also filed an FIR. In the counter FIR, Cajee has claimed that Lytan told him,"You stupid MLA representing Mawlai Savage Constituency." (The Shillong Times)
Clever Mamata

Mamata Banerjee has learnt the art of pleasing the journos. To earn brownie points, the Bengal CM has announced that she will support the demand of media persons for the implementation of Majithia Wage Boards and will join the nationwide agitation on March 20 in this regard.
Rushdie interrupted

Headlines Today did a live telecast of Salman Rushdie speaking on free speech issues in India at the India Today Conclave. The last question was on what he thought of the Danish cartoons incident. Rushdie said there were two aspects to the issue, described one, and then whoosh, the next programme cut in with cricket and Sachin Tendulkar. All it would have taken was just another few minutes for us to be allowed to hear the end of what he was saying.
Opportune advertising

Kashmir's English daily Kashmir Monitor has become the first from the valley to go ahead and advertise itself in a big way. The daily's ad campaign is running on Neo Sports, which is also the host broadcaster of Asia Cup cricket being played in Bangladesh. "Well, that is what competition is all about," said Shamim Meraj, the young editor of the newspaper. (IANS)
Qualify first

Dainik Jagran conducted an online test for its reporters on March 13 at the regional level. All reporters in line for a promotion appeared for the test. It was an online test consisting of 23 questions, related to national and international issues. Reporters took the test in every state from where Jagran published, at the nearest publishing centre. The paper claims that test will bring transparency and help in the selection of deserving people. Others think that Jagran is under immense pressure to implement the wage board recommendations and wants to eliminate some from its rolls before that.
Trust the Times

Following the public release of the 1st phase census results of 2011, the following day (14th March 2012) newspapers like The Hindu & Indian Express carried headlines about how half the nation is deprived of basic amenities like access to toilets. But the ToI headline reads "200m Indians don’t own a TV, phone or vehicle". Why? For come what may the Times they are a-NOT-changin'.
Russian scribes

Russian media employees who are sick and tired of the incessant pro- and anti-government protests in Moscow have set up a Facebook group "Journalists Against Demonstrations" and are planning their own counter-event. The group's motto is: "Let Journalists Return to Their Families!" It includes correspondents from news outlets like Vedomosti and Kommersant dailies, Ekho Moskvy radio and the and internet portals. 


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