Sunday, January 12, 2025

Senior Indian Journalist Neelam Mahajan Singh Made Serious Allegations on Former Union Minister & BJP MP Murli Manohar Joshi

New Delhi
: Senior Indian journalist and history professor Neelam Mahajan Singh has made several serious revelations about the sexual harassment and physical violence she faced. In a long post on Facebook, she has accused senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and former Union Minister Murli Manohar Joshi, Senior journalist TVR Shenoy, MP Devi Prasad Tripathi and many others of violence and sexual abuse against her 30 years ago. Neelam wrote : 

Do you recognize this man? Yeah this is: Murli Manohar Joshi  #METOO in which thirty years back he had brutally assaulted me! His P. A. a fuc....r Tarun Mishra  was a witness but he was his poodle puppy! Sorry to see 92 years old guy grounded. He's unable to even walk now! He had knee replacement of both his legs. The same legs which kicked in my stomach. I had internal bleeding as my veins and intestines got ruptured. Venue: 24, Rakabgunj Road, New Delhi: 110001.

"After all you can never look into my eyes! This is life. Wait for life after life. It doesn't end in one life. My soul will never forget and certainly not forgive you. 

#MeToo movement: India chapter, empowering women who have gone through emotionally traumatic experiences? Will PM Narendra Modi's 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' heal these wounds?

(05 January, 2025)

Hey folks; For more than a decade and a half (14 years) I've been in 'Agyatvaas' i.e. anonymity, 'nowhereness'! When metoo movement started, I was exhilarated! Is it a bubble or a meaningful movement? Should I or should I not speak the truth? Well, the fact that women have decided to expose their predators, exploiters, tormentors, powerful men, politicians, decision makers, exhibits the collective failure of our laws, police system; in particular and blurred judicial redressal, unable to give protection and security to their women. 

Suppression and exploitation of women in Indian society is a bitter truth. METOO has assumed a historic, social responsibility. There are no legal consequences of this resurgence. 

At the very outset it may be stated that no man or woman, wants their name or privacy to be invaded or be compromised. Further, it's not about feminism. Gender equality is fundamental for everyone. I support all my brothers who have been physically or mentally abused by predators. METOO is the same for men and women. I truly believe in gender parity in justice to all. If any man has been tortured, tormented or physically abused, he has the right to raise his voice on METOO I will support them in quest of justice. You can write to me at: 

My first brush was with two powerful journalists. At the age of 21years, I was a Professor of History in Delhi University. I had aspirational dreams in my eyes, to make it for myself. I was in the Ist batch of ladies who entered the portals of St. Stephen's College (post independence).

Newcomers in media were treated with impunity. I wrote an article on Operation Blue Star, 1984, which was published in a newly launched, 'The Week' magazine. T. V. R. SHENOY, Editor, told me to make regular contributions for 'The Week'. Remember it was not an internet or digital period. We had to type or write by hand. After a few articles were published, T. V. R. Shenoy, started staring, luciously, saliva dripping, touching my body inappropriately! He said, "Don't be scared, I will publish your articles, regularly." With tears in eyes, I moved towards the cabin door, that he had latched and he grabbed me, pulling my bra strap ... forced kisses! I screamed and ran out of the cabin. Gurkirat Singh - G. K. Singh and Vinod Sharma, were reporters in 'The Week'. I drove my Fiat car, went home, stunned, without sharing it, with my family.

T. V. R. Shenoy telephoned me repeatedly, to say that he wanted my articles. Shameless exploiter! Shenoy; are you a molester or an Editor? I never went to 'The Week' office, at INS building, till date. Although the owners of The Week, The Malayalam Manorma Group are Stephanians laalsitara That tiny cubicle reminds me of T.V.R. Shenoy's abhorrent behavior towards me. The Editor's cabins should be made transparent, so that 'Shenoys of the media world', have some self regulation on them. CCTV cameras should be installed in media offices. 

Subsequently I met Late G. K. Singh, who was a decent guy. He was a witness to this horrendous incident. He was genuinely shocked, saddened by this ludicrous act of T. V. R. Shenoy. There was an emerging lobby of journalists from Kerala, who eulogised this sexual predator, T.V.R. Shenoy, who later became a Rajya Sabha - BJP MP. Wow ! What a reward to a molester!

I was a victim of an organised slanderous & defamation campaign by Shenoy & his cronies ! I saw TVR Shenoy at Press Club of India. I've never forgotten the incident and forgiven T. V. R. SHENOY, till date. He died on April 2018. Did I mourn? Obviously not, I just smiled! 

Similar salacious and lewd behaviour was done by Devi Prasad Tripathi, alias D.P.T. of J.N.U. NCP (M.P. Rajya Sabha) who went crazy in his defamatory, slanderous attacks on me, in Delhi's 'political - media power circles'. 'Lutyens Media is a kitten - Kitty club' ? He broke my friendship with one Kewal Thapar of KPMG Kewal and I were friends from our St Stephens College days.

I had lost my mother of cancer and my father, in a hit and run accident. I was too young, vulnerable and emotionally drained ! No sensitivity was shown by these brutes, who otherwise professed, to be loving and doting on me !

What action could I have taken against these hugely powerful, perpetrators of crimes, sexual jackals? I diverted my pain and agonies, in rearing up my wonderful kid son. My child was my constant companion. 


Murli Manohar Joshi was thrown out as BJP President, midway of a five-year term (1991-1993) BY RSSorg His Ektaa Yatra, to Lal Chowk Srinagar, was a mitigated failure. K. S. Sudershan was sarkaryavah of R.S.S. Prof. Rajender Singh alias Rajju Bhaiyya, was the Sarsanghchalak who had introduced me to K. S. Sudershan.

Out of the blue I got a call from Pradeep Jain and Tarun Mishra, for a 'tea invite' with Murli Manohar Joshi, at 24- Rakabgunj Road. I was a Political Correspondent of Govt. of India's broadcaster, in Doordarshan News Division. As a freelance writer, my articles were published in several publications. So I deemed it to be a request for an interview with Murli Manohar Joshi.

K. N. Govindacharya, Pramod Mahajan, Sushma Swaraj, L. K. Advani, had warned me about Murli Manohar Joshi, being an insincere, unreliable and a devious man. They all warned me to stay away from him. I should have adhered to their advise. Even L. K. Advani hated him. He told me not to trust him. I regret having met Murli Manohar Joshi, till date!

After a few meetings, Murli Manohar Joshi called me for a meal to 24, Rakabgunj Road,  New Delhi. In his study room he held my hand, "I want you to handle my life in Delhi. My wife Tarla, daughters Priyamavada who's married to a railway officer, Nivedita, stays in Allahabad and you be with me in Delhi”. I was aghast, to say the least. Till then I had known Murli Manohar Joshi to be a 'bachelor - Pracharak' of R.S.S. I never knew about his personal life!

By the way Nivedita Joshi is 55 years old & Priyamvada Joshi, 60 years, almost of my age. How can a man, whose family was well known to me, assault me so brutally, is not clear to me till date?

I joyfully presented 100s of gifts to different family members of M. M. Joshi. Nivedita and Murli Manohar Joshi were particularly obsessive about me. She would be at my home every second day to be with my son. Tarla Joshi, hand-knitted a cardigan for my son.

"Could you not take me as a friend, Murli Manohar Joshi"? No you could not. You wanted me to be your paramour and mistress? I broke your macho ego and you broke my head. Psychatrists have informed me that the kind of assault Murli Manohar Joshi, perpetuated on me, is an exhibition of his frustration in sexuality and a bruised ego. Shameless.

I did not accept his lewd proposals. When I refused to have a meal, Murli Manohar Joshi, became a wild hound. It wasn't about meal, it was about my refusal to succumb to his sexually amorous advances. His super ego was bruised. 

He pulled my hip-long, silky, beautiful hair, hit my forehead with the wall repeatedly. He punched me with his legs, leading to rupture and bleeding of stomach intestines.

He snatched my Ericsson mobile phone, gifted to me by Peter Hassan who was a liason man of late Shashi Ruia and Ravi Ruia of Essar Group MMJ took out the SIM card and broke my mobile phone, so that I don't dial 100 (112).

My jewellery twinkles had fallen all around. I was vomitting blood and my body was in excruciating pain. I fainted. Oh God what this boor, Murli Manohar Joshi has done to me? In a few minutes, I lifted up myself. Joshi said, his driver will drop me to my residence. I was staring blankly at him. My forehead got lumps, hair logs on floor, echemosis, scratches oozing blood on my torn clothes, bleeding intestines ... Oh my god!

Joshi grabbed my hand, "Don't open your mouth or you will regret," he threatened me. Thank you Murli Manohar Joshi! 

I regret till date that you came on earth, Murli Manohar Joshi. Next day, his P. S. Pradeep Jain came to return my broken jewellery twinkles. Now Pradeep Jain, a decent guy is not working with Murli Manohar Joshi. I quite liked Pradeep. Tarun Mishra, a rascal, is dead or alive, I don't know!

Murli Manohar Joshi was Home Minister (for 13 days) and H.R.D. Minister, in Atal Bihari Vajpayee's Govt. Wow, a great reward for sexual molester predators. This is नारी का सम्मान?

I went on my own, to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital. Doctors asked me the cause of injuries. I narrated the above incident to young doctors, who were stunned. Medico Legal Report (M.L.R.) was made. S.H.O. Parliament Street, came to the Hospital.

Madhav Dass Nalapat -  M. D. Nalapat, aka, Monu, Late V. N. Narayanan, Editor-in-Chief of The Hindustan Times, Harish Avasthi, Satya Prakash Aseem, Vir Sanghvi and several journalists knew about this gory assault on me, by Murli Manohar Joshi. 

I gave a written complaint to Mr. Pranab Nanda, IPS, DCP- New Delhi. One Sardarjee, S.H.O. appeared petrified. I was consoled by Pranab Nanda, a decent police officer. He was genuinely shocked and saddened, but didn't register an FIR against a Cabinet Minister. 

Rajnath Singh was B.J.P. President. I had gone to his residence at Ashoka Road. He sympsthised but did nothing against his cabinet colleague. K. S. Suderdhan, of RSS, said, "Look I warned you about this Halwai हलवाई" KN Govindacharya said, "I had warned you but you didn't listen to me."

This incident was widely known, but the paid, pimp-poodle media, "Presstitutes", (a term coined by General V. K. Singh) wiped it out, maybe under pressure. 

A worshipper of Durga, father of two daughters, (Priyamvada & Nivedita) a coward M. M. Joshi, moved his family to Delhi. Murli Manohar Joshi is a Tantrik and indulges in black magic from Kamakhya temple ! I heard that he was a Professor of Physics (bunking teaching)?

Friends, I took action. I moved the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi and filed a Criminal Writ Petition against Delhi Police and Murli Manohar Joshi. Advocate K. K. Sood appeared for M. M. Joshi. Notices were issued by Delhi High Court. Documents, arguments, submissions were made. Justice Anil Dev Singh was furious, but Justice R. S. Sodhi took it easy, due to pressure from Akali Dal. MEDIA WAS GAGGED, LIKE A GOVERNMENT CABBIE. 

Subsequently, Monu Nalapat, urged me to forgive Murli Manohar Joshi. Monu, what would you have done if your wife Luxmi, met with this treatment at the hands of a 'Dusshasan - Duryodhan': Murli Manohar Joshi? I was again intimidated by a few of Joshi's lackies. Monu also threatened me that MMJ would dig up my past. Oh, I have a past too? Vinod Sharma Joshi, did all the research for Murli Manohar Joshi, of the Brahmin lobby, to dig the skeletons from the grave. Preposterous presstitutes.

Despite all this I have respect for Prof. M. D. Nalapat for his academic pursuits.

A meeting was fixed up, at the house of Praful Patel, M. P. where Pradeep Jain, M. M. Joshi and M.D. Nalapat would be present. This was to say sorry to me. "Yeh sab kuch bhavavesh main ho gaya." "यह सभी भावावेश में हो गया है। मुझे एक मौका और दे दो, सब ठीक हो जायेगा"। (It just happened in a fit of emotional outrage") said Murli Manohar Joshi. Oh really? Have you applied such emotional outrage on Tarla, Priyamvada or Nivedita? Anyway I never went for this meeting.

Murli Manohar Joshi, you are 92 years old. I will never forget and forgive you, for this devastating assault on my soul, even in my ten births. Even Goddess Durga will hate you always. 

METOO has exhibited the collective failure of systems, to give justice to women. I withdrew myself from media platforms and public life for two and a half decades. 

A CABAL OF ALCHOHAL FRIENDLY LADY JOURNALISTS, NEVER OPEND THEIR MOUTH. Alas, many of them became victims at the hands of other sexual, psychotic predators. By now the paid Presstitutes are exposed.

Sad indeed that many lady journalists became victims of much worst crimes. I empathise and support each human being, whose personal spaces have been transgressed upon.

These crimes gave me the courage to study LL.B. to crusade for social justice, human rights, protection for socially, economically underprivileged sections of the society. Long live the Constitution of India, "We the people ..."


Neelam Mahajan Singh Professor Krantikari, Kartika, Veerangana: on the revolutionary path of struggle for justice. (LL.B. M.PHIL. M.A. ST. STEPHEN'S COLLEGE, TVNP- FTII-PUNE) 

This post of Neelam Mahajan Singh has shocked people. Some people have also given their reactions by commenting.

Krishnan Iyer writes...

Advani did not even spare his daughter-in-law Gauri Advani... We all are aware of Atal's story...

Sanjay Vohra wrote...

It is very regrettable... The whole system is horrifying... Perhaps power has always been like this

Seema Kiran writes...

I would call it a very unfortunate incident, because what happened to you Neelam Mahajan Singh sister was the low thinking and frustration of an educated learned man and is still prevalent in the society. It is regrettable that no one in the party that calls itself a cultured party took serious cognizance of this matter. All the senior BJP leaders you named who had warned you, why did they not expel such a person from the party? It is regrettable, but I have heard that time takes account of everyone. But today, if Murli Manohar Joshi is living till the age of 92 and is on a wheel chair, but he has been enjoying power and government posts for a long time till the 90s. People in the society have become accustomed to it, if such disgusting thinking had been stopped on time, then wrestler girls would not have been trampled and no one would have questioned their loyalty. You wrote about your experience, pain and the misdeeds committed by such a senior BJP leader, I salute your courage and determination.

Mukund Mitr said...

Politics and journalism have been wolves in the wilderness since the beginning.

Kabir Vidrohi wrote...

This character is common among the big leaders of the barbaric Janata Party. In the feudal system, cruelty towards Dalits, backward classes and women is in accordance with the scriptures

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